
Displaying 126 - 141 of 141

 Name Date Time Action Action plan / Action Completed
Marty Sederberg01/27/202019:56Time OutDrive to seattle, meet @ 0900 until 16
Marty Sederberg01/24/202007:36Time InContinue cleanup, start building refresher series.
Marty Sederberg01/24/202015:17Time OutContinued updates, send SMS messages, lay out 4 weeks SMS mesages, richard and misty convos
Marty Sederberg01/23/202018:16Time OutDealt with password issue. thought about the meaninglessness of it all.
Marty Sederberg01/23/202016:37Time InContinue clean up.
Marty Sederberg01/23/202013:02Time OutUpdated employee date management, updated application, renewals warning.
Marty Sederberg01/23/202006:28Time InThree renewals, organize reports, begin hiring self
Marty Sederberg01/22/202015:44Time Outreports delivered to terry, updated one MEC, connected vpn and made updates as needed
Marty Sederberg01/22/202007:33Time InContinue clean up, run report for terry ad run application status report
Marty Sederberg01/21/202007:55Time InComplete application, FMCSA clearingh house presentation prep and send, review on-boarding and polic
Marty Sederberg01/21/202017:43Time OutPurged old users, sent out clearinghouse request, cleaned up system admin accounts
Marty Sederberg01/20/202006:30Time InOn road for monday meeting, meet with managers team, discuss on-boarding and overlap of program/mist
Marty Sederberg01/20/202004:30Time OutArrive back, travel, complete I9 package for misty, screencast process for asnalysis
Marty Sederberg01/16/202007:23Time InCorrect time tools, work on w-4 and monthly refresher courses
Mart Sederberg01/15/202004:45Time InCreate time management tool for time tracking, begin application
Marty Sederberg01/15/202018:32Time OutAdded FMCSA Clearing house form, started 2020 w-4
 Name Date Time Action Action plan / Action Completed