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Title for E-signature sections
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Company Information
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Thank you for your interest in employment. To apply for any position, please complete our online application for employment. Incomplete information will delay the processing of your application or prevent it from being submitted.
In compliance with Federal and State equal employment opportunity laws, qualified applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, non-job related disability, or any other protected group status.
Helpful Hints
Required entry fields are followed by * meaning you must provide the requested information to continue. If you encounter any errors during this process and cannot continue, please contact us using the Contact Admin option.
Applicant Information
Although resume is not required, we strongly encourage candidates to attach resume if available.
In order to successfully apply for this employer, you must verify that you meet the qualifications. Please review the Qualifications listed below and identify you have the information and meet the requirements.
Social Security Number
Home address history for past 3 years
Current driver's license number and driver's license history for the past 5 years
Employment history up to 10 years - Last 3 years of Employment History and the previous 10 years if Commercial Driving was performed
History of traffic accidents, violations and/or convictions from the last 5 years (including DUI or reckless driving conviction and license suspension)
Military history (if applicable and within the past 5 years)
Must be at least 22 years of age with 2 years OTR verifiable applicable drive experience within the past 3 years.
Must not have more than 3 moving violations within the previous 3 years.
Must not have a DWI, DUI, or Reckless driving conviction within the past five (5) years.
Must have a valid CDL, Class B or greater with passenger endorsement.
Must be able to read, write and speak English.
1. Personal Information
(The Age Discrimination of Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals who are at least 40 but less than 70 years of age.) This field is mandatory as related to the Criminal Background Check
If your cell phone is also your primary phone, enter it in both fields.
If your cell phone is also your primary phone, enter it in both fields.
Current Address
Second Address
Third Address
Fourth Address
Residence History
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This field would not populate e-siganture field properly with caculations, copy-cat to 587
YOU MUST PROVIDE 3 Years or more years or residential history before progressing!!
2. Emergency Contact Information
If the cell phone is also the primary phone, enter it in both fields.
If the cell phone is also the primary phone, enter it in both fields.
3. Employment Type Desired
4. Salary Desired
5. Criminal History
6. Applicant's Education and Training
6.1 Administrative Skills and Training
7. Military Service
If you are still active, please enter today's date.
8. License Driving Record
Section 383.21 FMCSR states "No person who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall at any time have more than one driver's license". I certify I do not have more than one motor vehicle license, the information for which is listed here.
If you do not possess a Driver License, Please write "None"
If you do not possess a Driver License, Please write "None"
If you do not possess a Driver License, Please select the state you were born in.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If you do not possess a Driver License, Please select today's date.
If you do not possess a Driver License, Please type in your eye color.
Section 383.21 FMCSR states "No person who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall at any time have more than one driver's license". I certify I do not have more than one motor vehicle license, the information for which is listed here.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
9. Ethnicity and Race
Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instance
of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation.
This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. It is also used by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics and analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforce studies.
Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be used for the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing this information is voluntary and failure to do so will have no effect on your employment status. If SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may be used to obtain it.
(A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.)
Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify.
This is used for the Criminal Back Ground Check form that will be populated automatically for you when you submit this form. This is not required, however as a courtesy, this response will automatically fill in the required information on another required document that is allowed to be requested. If you choose not to answer this question, we will have to request additional information at a later date, which will slow down the process of your employment application.
This is used for the Criminal Back Ground Check form that will be populated automatically for you when you submit this form. This is not required, however as a courtesy, this response will automatically fill in the required information on another required document that is allowed to be requested. If you choose not to answer this question, we will have to request additional information at a later date, which will slow down the process of your employment application.
10. Previous Employment
List your current or most recent employer first.
Please list all jobs (including self-employment and military service) which you have held, beginning with the most recent, and list and explain any gaps in employment.
If additional fields are needed, please explain this in the comments field.
Please provide ten years employment history if you have it.
Please provide ten years history including school if necessary.
For those drivers applying to operate a commercial motor vehicle as defined by part 383 of this subchapter, a list of the names and addresses of the applicant's employers during the 7-year period preceding the 3 years contained in paragraph (b)(10) of this section for which the applicant was an operator of a commercial motor vehicle, together with the dates of employment and the reasons for leaving such employment must be provided.
Most Recent Employer
DRIVER Applicants that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Job was designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Second Employer
DRIVER Applicants that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Job was designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Third Employer
DRIVER Applicants that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Job was designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Fourth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Fifth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Sixth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Seventh Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Eighth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Ninth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Please make sure to include any gaps in employment, school, military, sabbatical, extended vacations or other gaps in employment. If you do not have a CDL, please answer this question yes.
Tenth Employer
DRIVER APPLICANTS ONLY: that desire to drive in intrastate/interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the previous three years. You must give the same information for all employers you have driven a commercial motor vehicle for the seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten years employment record).*
If you are still employed, please select today's date.
Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed by this previous employer?
Was this Job designated as a safety sensitive function in any DOT regulated mode subject to alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements as required by 49 CFR part 40?
Employment Confirmation
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Calculates totl years of employment and populates field below via Copy-cat
Commercial Driver Applicants must provide ten years of CMV employment history.
WARNING!!!!! You may need to provide additional information, please make proper notes in field provided to identify issues. Failure to do so could equate to falsification of the application.
11. References
List any two non-relatives who would be willing to provide reference for you.
12. Driving Experience
Accident and Collision History
Please enter all Accidents within the last three years, including any fixed object strikes, wehter they were your responsibility or not, preceding the date of application. These will be verified with your Motor Vehicle Record, previous employer request as well as the PSP Report. If you have NONE, please select None.
First Accident
Second Accident
Third Accident
Fourth Accident
Tickets and Citations History
Please enter all Citations within the last three years preceding the date of application. These will be verified with your Motor Vehicle Record as well as the PSP Report. If you have NONE, please select None.
First Violation
Second Violation
Third Violation
Motor Vehicle Record
You may upload your COMPLETE Motor Vehicle Driving Record that is less than 30 Days Old here. You will be required to provide a copy of the Driving Record before you are hired. If you live in the state of Washington, you may obtain this document here:
Medical Certificate
Drug and Alcohol History
Driving a commercial motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration ("BAC") of .04 percent or more
Driving under the influence of alcohol, as prescribed by state law
Refusal to undergo drug and alcohol testing as required by any jurisdiction for the enforcement of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act regulations
Driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence of any 21 C.F.R. 1308.11 Schedule I identified controlled substance, an amphetamine, a narcotic drug, a formulation of an amphetamine, or a derivative of a narcotic drug
Transportation, possession, or unlawful use of a 21 C.F.R. 1308.11 Schedule I identified controlled substance, amphetamines, narcotic drugs, formulations of an amphetamine, or derivatives of narcotic drugs while you were on duty driving for a motor carrier
Leaving the scene of an accident while operating a commercial motor vehicle
Or any other felony involving the use of a commercial motor vehicle
13. Review and acknowledge the following information
I authorize the company or representative of the company listed on this application to contact former employers and educational organizations regarding my employment and education.
I authorize my former employers and educational organizations to fully and freely communicate information regarding my previous employment, attendance, and grades.
I authorize those persons designated as references to fully and freely communicate information regarding my previous employment and education.
If an employment relationship is created, I understand that unless I am offered a specific written contract of employment signed on behalf of the organization by its CEO, the employment relationship will be "at-will."
In other words, the relationship will be entirely voluntary in nature, and either I or my employer will be able to terminate the employment relationship at any time and without cause.
With appropriate notice, I will have the full and complete discretion to end the employment relationship when I choose and for reasons of my choice.
Similarly, my employer will have the right.
Moreover, no agent, representative, or employee of the company or representative of the company listed on this application, except in a specific written contract of employment signed on behalf of the organization by its CEO, has the power to alter or vary the voluntary nature of the employment relationship.
The Company may not require a pre-employment medical examination but does reserve the right to require drug testing and a medical examination after an offer of employment is made to the applicant.
All offers of employment are conditional upon the passing of a drug test for the purpose of detecting the illegal use of drugs.
Also, if an employment offer is made, you will be asked to answer certain medical questions.
Medical examinations and answers to medical inquiries will be maintained on separate forms and will be treated as confidential medical records.
An applicant will not be excluded from employment unless they have medical conditions that prohibit their ability to perform the essential job functions of the position they desire within this company.
The Company will make reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities in the application process and, if hired, allow qualified individuals with disabilities to perform essential job functions.
Written job descriptions are available and will be furnished to applicants upon request.
The Company may use the information contained in this application and may contact your former employer(s) for the purpose of investigating your safety performance history information as required by the Federal Motor Safety Regulations (49 CFR 391.23 (d) and (3).
Pursuant to 49 CFR 391.23 (i), you have the following rights regarding the investigative information that is provided to The Company by your previous employer(s):
You have the right to review the information provided by your previous employer(s);
You have the right to have errors in the information corrected by your previous employer(s) and for the previous employer(s) to re-send the corrected information to The Company; and
You have the right to have a rebuttal statement attached to the alleged erroneous information if you and your previous employer cannot agree on the accuracy of the information.
In accordance with DOT Regulation 49 CFR Part 391.23, I authorize the release of information from my DOT regulated drug and alcohol testing records by the carriers (company/school) listed above for the sole purpose of transmitting such records to the authorized company HR or Compliance representative.
I authorize the release of the following information concerning DOT drug and alcohol testing violations including pre-employment tests during the past three years:
(i) alcohol tests with a result of 0.04 or higher;
(ii) verified positive drug tests;
(iii) refusals to be tested (including verified adulterated or substituted results);
(iv) other violations of DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations;
(v) information obtained from previous employers of a drug and alcohol rule violation(s);
and (vi) documents, if any, of completion of a return-to-duty process following a rule violation.
The information that I have authorized the appropriate company representative to review involves tests required by DOT. If any carrier (company/school) listed above furnishes information concerning items (i) through (vi) above, I also authorize that carrier (company/school) to release and furnish the dates of my negative drug and/or alcohol tests and/or tests with results below 0.04 during the three-year period and the name and phone number of any substance abuse professional who evaluated me during the past three years.
I hereby authorize, without liability, any person or organization whose name I have given as reference, or by whom I have been previously employed to furnish the appropriate company representative, any information they may have concerning my character, ability, financial obligation, job performance, habits, reasons for leaving my employment and I authorize release of information to companies/carriers requesting such information.
I release all persons/organizations from any claims for damages of any kind which may occur to me by reasons for furnishing such information.
I hereby authorize you to release information to the above listed company, for the purpose of investigation as required by section 391.23 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. In accordance with Section 391.23 we are obligated to request information from previous employers/companies of the applicant in which he/she operated a commercial motor vehicle. Please complete the information and return to us as required by Section 391.23 (g). Please return the information ASAP by the apropriaet mthod described on the email or faxed request.
Our company will use Pre-Employment Screening Program ("PSP") information in the hiring process for our commercial truck drivers. As a driver we want you to be aware of specific rights you have under the PSP.
You must provide your written consent to us before we can request information in the PSP.
We cannot share the PSP information with any third-party and only those individuals within our company involved in the hiring process may view the information.
PSP information includes DOT reportable accidents/crash information for a period of 5 years and roadside inspection information for 3 years.
We may obtain additional accident/crash information outside of the PSP. Those reports are covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA") which also provides rights to you.
You have the right to dispute any information in the PSP by contacting the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ("FMCSA") at: You may also contact the FMCSA at 1200 New Jersey Avenue S.E., Washington D.C., 20590, TEL (800) 832-5660, TTY (800) 877-8339.
In addition to a dispute you can contact FMCSA as noted above to obtain a copy of information regarding you in the PSP system.
Only the FMCSA is authorized to receive disputes. Neither we nor the consumer reporting agency which provides information to us can respond to a dispute. You must directly contact the FMCSA as noted above. You need to follow the instructions on the website when presenting your dispute along with any supporting documentation statements, etc. Upon receipt of the dispute FMCSA will forward the dispute via the DataQs System to the state that originated the disputed information. That state will review the dispute and respond back to FMCSA. You will be notified on the website that a response has been received. Any correction will be entered at the next data update cycle. As for reports covered by the FCRA that are outside the PSP, you can dispute those reports with the consumer reporting agency which furnished the report.
These rights apply specifically to the PSP Report. We receive other reports as part of our hiring process that contain information outside of the PSP. Those reports are governed by the FCRA which provides specific rights to you. To learn more about these rights, contact the Federal Trade Commission at: You may also report violations of the FCRA to the Office of Financial Management, Department of Transportation, Washington D.C., 20590 TEL: (202) 366-1306.
We will inform you before we take adverse action based, in whole or in part, upon the PSP report and we will provide you a copy, free of charge, of the PSP report along with a copy of your rights under the FCRA. Thereafter, if we decide to take the adverse action against you, we will notify you and, upon request, will provide you, free of charge, a copy of the PSP report and your rights under the FCRA if you have misplaced the previous copies furnished to you.
FMCSA-DOT and NICT (which operates the website for FMCSA-DOT) do not make the decision to take any adverse action and are unable to provide you with the reasons why the adverse action was taken.
You may have greater rights under state law.
You may request, upon presenting proper identification, copies of the PSP information received by us. We will respond within three (3) business days of receiving your request. These copies are free of charge to you. Our consumer reporting agency which supplies other employment reports will not have the PSP information, nor will it have access to the PSP information.
In accordance with the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Public La 91-508) as amended by the Consumer Credit Reporting Act of 1996, I have been informed the Company will procure a motor vehicle report (MVR), PSP Driver Record, Criminal Background Check, Social Media and reference checks, all of which are defined as a consumer report regarding my driving and background record to determine my suitability for work at the Company.
I understand that I have the rights to request, in writing, information pertaining to the nature and scope of the inquiry and a written summary of my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
I understand that I may have additional rights under applicable state and federal laws.
I hereby authorize the Company to obtain this information and release and hold harmless any person, firm, or entity that discloses such information in accordance with this authorization.
This authorization shall remain on file and shall serve as ongoing authorization for the Company to procure a motor vehicle report (MVR) and a criminal check which is defined as a consumer report at any time during my employment period.
Any copy of this authorization shall have the same authority as the original.
If you have any questions regarding the conditions, you should ask for an explanation or clarification from the employment interviewer. Signify your understanding and specific acceptance of each condition by your signature in the space provided at the end of the conditions.
I hereby authorize The potential employer to investigate any and all statements contained in this application.
I certify that the information provided on this application is truthful and accurate.
I further certify that the information provided for previous employment is true and correct for the last ten years.
I understand that providing false or misleading information will be the basis for rejection of my application, or if employment commences, immediate termination.
I hereby consent to The potential employer conducting any checks concerning my background which are deemed necessary, advisable, or helpful by the potential employer (except contacting my current employer prior to hiring, unless permission is granted above).
I understand that if hired, I will receive a copy of The potential employer rules and regulations and The potential employer's policies including its drug/alcohol policy.
I will read and understand the rules, regulations, and policies; and I acknowledge that I will be required to abide by them. I understand that if hired, I will be required to submit to a drug test as part of this application procedure.
I hereby consent to that drug test, agree to cooperate fully with that drug test, and waive any and all objections I might otherwise have to such drug testing.
I understand that if I am offered employment, it may be contingent upon passing a medical examination. If so, I hereby consent to such medical examination, and will fully cooperate with any required examination.
I understand and agree that if this application results in employment, my employment can be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either the potential employer or myself.
I understand that no manager or representative of The potential employer has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.
I certify and guarantee that all statements made on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and without mental reservations.
I understand that falsification of this application may result in my not being considered for employment or, in the event I become employed by The potential employer in my dismissal, regardless of when such falsification is discovered.
This certifies that this application was completed by me and that all entries on it and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
5 years residency history required.
3 years employment record with and additional seven (10 total) years for commercial driving employment.
Commercial Driver Applicants must provide ten years of CMV employment history.
This privacy policy sets out how a TSS owned system uses and protects any information that you give system owner when you use this website.
TSS system owners are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
TSS system owners may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 05/01/2018.
We may collect the following information:
name, address and contact information including email address
past work experience, education, criminal, pay and military information
demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers
What we do with the information we gather:
To hire, employ, retain, communicate, train and contact you r family inches of any emergency
We may use automated email messaging, text messaging, Instant Messaging or regular mail to contact you
We may require certain information in order to hire you or keep you compliant with the law
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
Internal record keeping.
We may use the information to improve our products and services.
We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customize the website according to your interests.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.
We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyze data about webpage traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.
Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
Controlling your personal information
You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:
whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes
if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us by using the contact admin tools located on this TSS owned system
We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please use the contact admin tools on the TSS owned system.
If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.