Drive Test Drive Test FORM Company Tested For* A & A Motorcoach, 2410 S 26th Ave, Yakima, WA 98903 Starline Luxury Coaches, 9801 MLK Jr Way S, Seattle, WA 98118 Wheatland Express, 7601 St Route 270, Pullman, WA 99163 Does this company require a Drive Test or Equivalent of Road Test prior to Hiring?* Drive Test Equivalent of Road Test Drive Test Type:* Pre-Hire Annual Review Safety Review Upgrade Test Familiarization CDL and MEC ItemsDrivers Name* First Last Date of Test* MM slash DD slash YYYY Upload CDL FRONT copy hereMax. file size: 20 MB.Upload CDL REAR copy hereMax. file size: 20 MB.Upload MEC FRONT card hereMax. file size: 20 MB.EQUIVALENT OF ROAD TEST FOR CDL DRIVERS1 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations State:* a) In place of, and as equivalent to, the road test required by §391.31, a person who seeks to drive a motor vehicle may present, and a motor carrier may accept - 2 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations State:* 1) A valid operator's license which has been issued to him / her by a State that licenses drivers to operate specific categories of motor vehicles and which, under the laws of that State, licenses him after successful completion of a road test in a motor vehicle of the type the motor carrier intends to assign to him/ her ; or 3 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations State:* 2) A copy of a valid certificate of driver's road test issued to him/her pursuant to §391.33 within the preceding 3 years. 4 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations State:* b) If a driver presents, and a motor carrier accepts, a license or certificate as equivalent to the road test, the motor carrier shall retain a legible copy of the license or certificate in its files as part of the driver's qualification file. 5 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations State:* c) A motor carrier may require any person who presents a license or certificate as equivalent to the road test to take a road test or any other test of his driving skill as a condition to his/her employment as a driver. DRIVE TESTActions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Engine* Can open and close the engine compartment Checks engine oil, belts, fluids Checks for loose or worn components N/A Actions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Vehicle Exterior* Checks Lights Checks Mirrors Checks Wipers Checks for Damage Checks Lug bolts, wheels, rims, tires N/A Actions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Vehicle Interior* Checks Lights Checks Mirrors Checks Wipers Checks Guages Checks License and registration Checks HVAC System Checks Entertainment System Checks Fire Extinguisher and Medical/Bodily Fluid Checks Bathroom N/A Actions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Engine Starting* Ignition on-lets ABS system cycle prior to engine start Starts Engine Properly Understands High Idle Understands and explains guages Understands Brakes-Parking Understands Brakes-Override Locates Transmission controls Sets Four Way Flashers N/A Actions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Backing* Four Way Flashers Honks horn prior to backing Mirror use when backing Smooth brake and gear operation Stops comfortable from other objects Good backing placement and direction choice N/A Actions Demonstrated-Pre-trip-Entering Roadway* Good posture and Control Good mirror usage Stops before stop bar or crosswalk Smooth acceleration Smooth Deceleration Good lane placement N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Lanes and Intersections* Changes lanes smoothly Use turn signals well in advance Does not change lanes in intersections Does not block intersections Uses caution when entering intersection Looks all ways approaching intersection N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Rail Road Crossings* Knows regulations related to RR Crossings Demonstrates Proper stop distance (15-50 feet) Sets hazards Looks both ways Proceeds correctly Stops in proroer lane (Curb) N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Right and Left Turns* Makes proper turns Does not hit curb Chooses correct lane for turns (outside turn lane) Turns into proper lane when completed with turn Does not Switch lanes in turns Enters turns slowly Does not accelerate into turns N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Stopping and Starting* Does not make sudden stops Does not make sudden starts Demonstrates smooth, even, controlled stops for passenger comfort Stops before intersection Leaves adequate distance between vehicles in front Does not leave excess distance between vehicles in front Dose not "roll back" N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Highway Driving* Selects appropriate lane for travel Exhibits good speed control Demonstrates on road courtesy Good mirror usage Uses turn indicators in advance does not drive in "pack" N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-City Driving* Selects appropriate lane for travel Exhibits good speed control Demonstrates on road courtesy Good mirror usage Uses turn indicators in advance does not drive in "pack" Guards lanes as needed Protects right side N/A Actions Demonstrated-On-Road-Parking* Parks proper distance from curb Good placement of step Does not rub tires on curb Parks away from obstacles Is aware of tail swing when parking N/A Please provide observations and notes here:*EQUIPMENT TYPEEquipment Number Used for test:*Equipment type used:* Full Sized Motor Coach (45 feet long) Full Sized Motor Coach (40 feet long) Midsized Motor Coach (30-35 feet long) Midsized Conventional Cutaway Mini-Coach Start Mileage*End Mileage*Miles Driven*This is to certify that the above named driver was given a road test under my supervision on the date listed below. This road test consisted of the stated miles of driving. It is my consideration that this driver possess sufficient driving skill to operate safely the type of commercial vehicle listed above.* Driver DOES possess the skills necessary to perform the activity Driver DOES NOT possess the skills necessary to perform the activity Driver is certified for equipment type:* Mini-Coach Midsized Motor Coach (30-35 feet long) Full Sized Motor Coach (40 feet long) Full Sized Motor Coach (45 feet long) None Drive TesterName of Examiner* First Last Position Of Tester* Drive Trainer Training Manager Safety Manager General Manager Operations Manager Date of Examination* MM slash DD slash YYYY I attest that I am an approved Drive Tester for the company and that I am authorized to perform the associated Drive Test.* I attest and Confirm this statement Signature of Examiner*